Chelsy Escalona

Chelsy Escalona

In her illustrations, Chelsy Escalona Suárez makes women the center of the narrative, excluding them from pre-defined societal roles.
Everyday rituals, scattered objects, carefully chosen clothes, hair and accessories add multi-layeredness to these illustrations. Chelsy’s works are the happy medium where pop culture and the aesthetics of vintage comics come together. In this interview we were honored to find out more about Chelsy Escalona.

Can you introduce yourself? Are you a full time artist?

I am Chelsy Escalona, graphic designer and visual artist from Cuba, I am not yet a full-time artist, although it is the long-term goal, for now I am experimenting and learning while I build a style that identifies me and can be recognizable.

How did you get into arts? Is it something you've been doing all your life?

I've been drawing my whole life, yes. I always wanted to be an artist, but life has its ways of putting us where we need to be, when we need to be there.

What inspires you?

I mostly find inspiration in the little details that live around me, and in my dreams of a beautiful life.

We are still so early to NFT space. How did you hear about it/ what got you into it?

I heard about NFTs last year, but it was still too early and a lot of things weren't very clear, so this year I took a second look after seeing some friends step in, and decided it was time for me to jump in too.

What opportunities NFT space brought you so far, what are your future expectations?

The NFTs have opened a door for me that I was not sure existed, the possibility of having a market interested in my work that gives me the chance of creating the art that I want to create and live from it. Even if I have not taken that leap to the life of a full-time artist yet, now I can totally see it as a possibility for me, to be able to have the time to pursue an artistic career without having to worry about the finances of everyday life.


What are female NFT artists to watch?

So many talented artists out there, but some are: @chabeli_farro, @tiffatronn, @LisaODT, @Habibagreen, @anarejagarcia, @cubabylarissa, @AncizarJen, @karlotik97, @Irenillart and so many more, each deserving of an article.

Rapid fire questions:

What 3 words describes you best?

Dreamer, cat lover, optimistic

What's your favorite TV show?


What's your hidden talent?


What's your favorite type of weather?

Winter. I love the fashion of that season

Do you have any pets?

Yes, a beautiful white female cat named Arya

Who is your hero?

My mom

Why are you a rebel?

Aren’t we all rebels somehow?

Artist's links:





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